Nucleotide Sequence Databases
Quiz: The Data Format In Nucleotide Sequence Databases

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1. Which symbol is commonly used to represent the beginning of a sequence in a FASTA-format file?
2. In a FASTA-format file, what is the purpose of the line that follows the header line and begins with a ">" symbol?
3. What is the maximum number of characters allowed per line for the sequence data in a standard FASTA-format file?
4. Which field in a FASTA-format file provides additional information about the sequence, such as its source or relevant details?
5. Which file format is commonly used for storing nucleotide sequence data in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)?
6. In ENA flat files, what section typically provides information about the source of the sequence data, such as the organism and tissue type?
7. What is the purpose of the "Feature Table" section in ENA flat files?
8. What is the primary purpose of the "ENA Flat File" format used by the European Nucleotide Archive?