DIALIGN-TX is the latest version of the DIALIGN multiple sequence alignment (MSA) tool. The main algorithmic addition is the usage of a guide tree.
Phylogeny;Sequence analysis;Nucleic acid sites, features and motifs;Nucleic acid structure analysis;Sequence sites, features and motifs
Operation: Multiple alignment;Alignment;Sequence alignment;Multiple sequence alignment
Software interface: Web user interface;command-line user interface
Language: C
License: GNU Lesser General Public License v2
Cost: Free
Version name: 1.0.2
Credit: -
Input: FASTA
Contact: subraman@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de
Collection: DIALIGN
Maturity: Mature
- DIALIGN-T: an improved algorithm for segment-based multiple sequence alignment.
- Subramanian AR, et al. DIALIGN-T: an improved algorithm for segment-based multiple sequence alignment. DIALIGN-T: an improved algorithm for segment-based multiple sequence alignment. 2005; 6:66. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-6-66
- https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-6-66
- PMID: 15784139
- PMC: PMC1087830
- DIALIGN-TX: greedy and progressive approaches for segment-based multiple sequence alignment
- Subramanian AR, et al. DIALIGN-TX: greedy and progressive approaches for segment-based multiple sequence alignment. DIALIGN-TX: greedy and progressive approaches for segment-based multiple sequence alignment. 2008; 3:6. doi: 10.1186/1748-7188-3-6
- https://doi.org/10.1186/1748-7188-3-6
- PMID: 18505568
- PMC: PMC2430965
Download and documentation
Home page: http://dialign-tx.gobics.de/
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