Polyunphased extends the Unphased package by adding polytomous phenotypes.
Phylogenetics;Population genetics
Operation: Genome feature comparison
Software interface: Graphical user interface
Language: C++
License: GNU General Public License v3
Cost: Free
Version name: -
Credit: Canadian Institutes of Health research.
Input: -
Output: -
Contact: Alexandre Bureau Alexandre.Bureau@msp.ulaval.ca
Collection: -
Maturity: -
- Polyunphased: an extension to polytomous outcomes of the Unphased package for family-based genetic association analysis.
- Bureau A, Croteau J. Polyunphased: an extension to polytomous outcomes of the Unphased package for family-based genetic association analysis. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol. 2017 Mar 1;16(1):75-81. doi: 10.1515/sagmb-2016-0035. PMID: 28186960; PMCID: PMC5576982.
- https://doi.org/10.1515/sagmb-2016-0035
- PMID: 28186960
- PMC: PMC5576982
Download and documentation
Documentation: https://github.com/abureau/polyUnphased/blob/master/README.md
Home page: https://github.com/abureau/polyUnphased
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