
RevBayes is a software package for statistical computation, modeling, and simulation of Bayesian inference in phylogenetics. The RevBayes has an interactive environment and uses interpreted 'Rev' scripting language specific to RevBayes.


Phylogenetics;Applied mathematics;Statistics and probability


  • Operation: Statistical modelling

  • Software interface: Command-line user interface

  • Language: C++

  • License: GNU General Public License v3

  • Cost: Free

  • Version name: 1.2.0

  • Credit: The Miller Institute for basic research in science, National Science of Foundation (NSF), the Swedish Research Council.

  • Input: -

  • Output: -

  • Contact: Sebastian Höhna

  • Collection: -

  • Maturity: Stable


  • RevBayes: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Using Graphical Models and an Interactive Model-Specification Language.
  • Höhna S, Landis MJ, Heath TA, Boussau B, Lartillot N, Moore BR, Huelsenbeck JP, Ronquist F. RevBayes: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Using Graphical Models and an Interactive Model-Specification Language. Syst Biol. 2016 Jul;65(4):726-36. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syw021. Epub 2016 May 28. PMID: 27235697; PMCID: PMC4911942.
  • PMID: 27235697
  • PMC: PMC4911942

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