
VCFtoTree is a user-friendly software tool that allows researchers to easily construct sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees for specific genomic regions using data from large-scale genome sequencing projects. The tool integrates thousands of anthropologically relevant genomes, including those from the 1000 Genomes Project, Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes, and reference genomes of chimpanzees and rhesus macaques.

The software directly accesses online databases to download and parse genome variation data for the regions of interest. It combines popular sequence datasets and tree-building algorithms with custom data parsing to generate accurate alignments and phylogenies. VCFtoTree can also be applied to other phased human genomes and genomes from other species.

The tool provides a graphical user interface, making it accessible to a wider audience without requiring programming knowledge.


Phylogenetics;Genomics;Sequence analysis;Population genetics


  • Operation: Phylogenetic tree generation

  • Software interface: Desktop application

  • Language: Python

  • License: Not stated

  • Cost: Free of charge

  • Version name: 3.0.0

  • Credit: UB Research Foundation.

  • Input: -

  • Output: FASTA, newick

  • Contact: Duo Xu

  • Collection: -

  • Maturity: -


  • VCFtoTree: a user-friendly tool to construct locus-specific alignments and phylogenies from thousands of anthropologically relevant genome sequences.
  • Xu D, et al. VCFtoTree: a user-friendly tool to construct locus-specific alignments and phylogenies from thousands of anthropologically relevant genome sequences. VCFtoTree: a user-friendly tool to construct locus-specific alignments and phylogenies from thousands of anthropologically relevant genome sequences. 2017; 18:426. doi: 10.1186/s12859-017-1844-0
  • PMID: 28950836
  • PMC: PMC5615795

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