The trial, led by the US Army, was the first time AUKUS members used AI in a simulated battlefield environment akin to a real conflict.
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Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.
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Trump's conspiracy theories keep getting weirder as the latest polls show him losing to Kamala Harris.
More news on Artificial intelligence
Nanoscale, 2024, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D4NR90151G, Retraction Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Michael A. Casasanta, G. M. Jonaid, Liam Kaylor, William Y. Luqiu, Maria J. Solares, Maria…
Read more at Royal Society of Chemistry
Anti-rejection regimens currently in use are broad immunosuppressive agents that make patients susceptible to infections. By using specific antibodies, it may be possible to just block the inflammation that leads to rejection but leave anti-microbial immunity…
Read more at Science Daily
An infographic of a rat with a preposterously large penis. Another showing human legs with way too many bones. An introduction that starts: "Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic".These are a few of the most egregious examples of artificia…
Read more at Raw Story
Read more at Yahoo Entertainment
Researchers are slowly learning about gene variations in Latin America, Africa and Asia, with the hope of diversifying and improving medical treatments.
Read more at DW (English)
Nanoscale, 2024, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D4NR90151G, Retraction Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Michael A. Casasanta, G. M. Jonaid, Liam Kaylor, William Y. Luqiu, Maria J. Solares, Maria…
Read more at Royal Society of Chemistry
A key question that remains in biology and biophysics is how three-dimensional tissue shapes emerge during animal development. Research teams have now found a mechanism by which tissues can be 'programmed' to transition from a flat state to a three-dimensiona…
Read more at Science Daily
Researchers are slowly learning about gene variations in Latin America, Africa and Asia, with the hope of diversifying and improving medical treatments.
Read more at DW (English)
Khelif won a gold medal on Friday amid a barrage of accusations
Read more at CBS Sports
Fyodor Urnov explains how retuning genes can restore health harmony.
Read more at Time
Author summary Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a bacterium that represents a health and food security threat in three major host groups: humans (in particular neonates), bovines, and fishes. However, the genomic mechanisms driving adaptation to these hosts rem…
Funding Opportunity RFA-DK-25-015 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) requests applications for the Central Coordinating Site (CCS) for the Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Research Core Centers (RTCC). The CC…
Read more at National Institutes of Health
The Perseid meteor shower is one we can count on every summer for a great show, weather permitting, and this year’s event reaches its peak tonight. Late Sunday night into the pre-dawn hours of Monday will be the best time to see the Perseids, according to NAS…
Read more at Yahoo Entertainment
In a bad 1950s science fiction movie, you might see flying jetpacks, invisibility cloaks and ray guns. What we got instead is a device that fits in our pocket. It allows us to connect to more than a billion people. It knows where we are and where we’re going.…
A team at Google has spent a lot of time recently playing table tennis, purportedly only for science. Their goal was to see whether they could construct a robot which would not only play table tenn…
Read more at Hackaday
Researchers are slowly learning about gene variations in Latin America, Africa and Asia, with the hope of diversifying and improving medical treatments.
Read more at DW (English)
Nicosulfuron-resistant biotype (R) and -sensitive biotype (S) Amaranthus retroflexus L. seeds were subjected to different temperature, light, salt, osmotic potential, pH value and burial depth treatments. The difference in germination response of two populati…
Last year, I did a post discussing the US ability to attract global talent to our high tech industries. In April, I did a post discussing how immigration might have contributed to the US having a per capita GDP that is somewhat higher than in other developed …
More news on Population genetics
The expected inheritance of trillions of dollars could get eaten up by healthcare, taxes and longevity.
For people in their 20s and 30s diving into the home-ownership pool, the waters are getting choppier. Without a boost from the bank of mom and dad, an inheritance, or a good credit score, the dream of owning a home is slipping further away.
Read more at CBC News
GIL or Global Interpreter Lock can be disabled in Python version 3.13. This is currently experimental.
An infographic of a rat with a preposterously large penis. Another showing human legs with way too many bones. An introduction that starts: "Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic".These are a few of the most egregious examples of artificia…
Read more at Raw Story
An infographic of a rat with a preposterously large penis. Earlier this year, a clearly AI-generated graphic of a rat with impossibly huge genitals was shared widely on social media.
Read more at International Business Times
An infographic of a rat with a preposterously large penis. Another showing human legs with way too many bones. An introduction that starts: “Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic”. These are a few of the most egregious examples of artifici…
Read more at Digital Journal
More news on Bioinformatics AI
PTSD can be difficult to prevent or treat, but precision psychiatry tools using AI and other advanced technology could help change that.
Read more at Psychology Today
Device uses sound waves to gather blood pressure data from blood vessels, monitoring the response with ultrasound.
Researchers are slowly learning about gene variations in Latin America, Africa and Asia, with the hope of diversifying and improving medical treatments.
Read more at DW (English)
More news on Precision medicine
Sleep apnea used to be managed by puncturing the neck, but treatments for the common condition in the near-future promise to be far less intrusive.
The concern that Valdo Calocane could "end up killing someone" appears in a summary of medical records shared with BBC Panorama.
Read more at BBC News
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John Lambros, cohead of US technology at Houlihan Lokey, says creator startups need to diversify both their customers and their product offerings.
Read more at Business Insider
Hackaday’s own [Arya Voronova] has been on a multi-year kick to make technology more personal by making it herself, and has just now started writing about it. Her main point rings especially true i…
Read more at Hackaday
While M3GAN gets up to her old tricks in 2025, Lily Sullivan will add some erotic terror to Blumhouse's new franchise.
Read more at Quartz India
Four decades ago, university researchers figured out the key to computer privacy, sparking a battle with the National Security Agency that continues today.
Elon Musk is suing former X advertisers because they won't spend money on his platform. Can he be serious?
Read more at Yahoo Entertainment
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