Bioinformatics Toolkit is a web-server consisting of a collection of sequence analysis tools.
Search tools: HHblits, HHpred, HMMER, PatternSearch, ProtBLAST, PSI-BLAST
Alignment: Alignmentviewer, Clustal Omega, Kalign, MAFFT, MSAProbs, MUSCLE, T-Coffee
Sequence Analysis: Aln2Plot, DeepCoil, DeepCoil2, HHrepID, MARCOIL, PCOILS, REPPER, TPRpred
Secondary Structure: Ali2D, HHomp, Quick2D
Tertiary Stucture: MODELLER, SamCC
Classification: ANESCON, CLANS, MMseqs2, PhyML
Utilities: 6FrameTranslation, BackTranslator, FormatSeq, HHfilter, RetrieveSeq, Seq2ID, Reformat
Bioinformatics; Proteins; Structure analysis; Structure prediction; Sequence sites, features and motifs
Alva V, Nam SZ, Söding J, Lupas AN "The MPI bioinformatics Toolkit as an integrative platform for advanced protein sequence and structure analysis." Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(W1):W410-5
PMID: 27131380
PMCID: PMC4987908
Gabler Felix, Nam Seung-Zin, Till Sebastian, Mirdita Milot, Steinegger Martin, Söding Johannes, Lupas Andrei N, Alva Vikram "Protein Sequence Analysis Using the MPI Bioinformatics Toolkit" Current protocols in bioinformatics
PMID: 33315308
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