Genomon-ITDetector is a tool to discover regions duplicated in tandem specifically in cancer genome sequencing data sets. The Genomon-ITDetector depends on the following externals tools: 1. blat (Ver. 34x13), 2. bedtools (Ver. 2.14.3), 3. CAP3 (Ver.Date: 12/21/07), 4. fasta36 (Ver. 3.5c), 5. SAMtools Ver. 0.1.18), and 6. refGene.txt, knownGene.txt, ensGene.txt and simpleRepeat.txt from the UCSC.
Oncology; DNA; Sequence analysis; DNA mutation
Chiba K, Shiraishi Y, Nagata Y, Yoshida K, Imoto S, Ogawa S, Miyano S "Genomon ITDetector: a tool for somatic internal tandem duplication detection from cancer genome sequencing data." Bioinformatics 2015; 31(1):116-8
PMID: 25192740
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