Control-FREEC is a tool for detection of copy number variation (CNV) and allelic imbalances (LOH) in deep-sequencing data. Control-FREEC algorithm normalizes CNV and beta allele frequencies whereafter it assigns CNVs and LOH. Control-FREEC can use mappability files generated by the GEM tool.
Alternative name: FREEC.
DNA structural variation; Oncology; Human genetics
Boeva V, Zinovyev A, Bleakley K, Vert JP, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Delattre O, Barillot E "Control-free calling of copy number alterations in deep-sequencing data using GC-content normalization." Bioinformatics. 2011 Jan 15;27(2):268-9.
PMID: 21081509
PMCID: PMC3018818
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