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T-Coffee (CGR)

T-Coffee (CGR)

A web server for T-Coffee tools for evaluating and A web server at The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) provides T-Coffee tools for assessing and handling multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) of nucleotide and amino acid sequences and related structures. The web server provides the following methods: M-Coffee, R-Coffee, Expresso, PSI-Coffee, and iRMSD-APDB.manipulating multiple alignments of DNA, RNA, protein sequences and structures. Includes M-Coffee, R-Coffee, Expresso, PSI-Coffee, iRMSD-APDB.


Sequence analysis; Proteomics; Genomics


  • Operation: Sequence alignment analysis; Sequence alignment
  • Software interface: Web application; Suite
  • Language: -
  • Operating system: Linux; Mac OS X; Microsoft Windows
  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • Cost: Free
  • Version name: -
  • Maturity: Mature
  • Credit: Plan Nacional (BFU2008-00419 to C.N. and P.D.T.); 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, the LEISHDRUG (no 223414) and the Quantomics (KBBE-2A-222664) project; Computational resources are provided by the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) of Barcelona and the Vital-IT Center for high-performance computing of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; CUR of DIUE of GENCAT (to M.O. and A.M.); the Spanish ministry of education (TIN2008-05913); Consolider project (CSD 2007-00050);"Super-computacion y e-Ciencia (SYEC)".
  • Contact: cedric.notredame _at_
  • Collection: T-Coffee


Di Tommaso P, Moretti S, Xenarios I, Orobitg M, Montanyola A, Chang JM, Taly JF, Notredame C "T-Coffee: a web server for the multiple sequence alignment of protein and RNA sequences using structural information and homology extension" Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jul;39(Web Server issue):W13-7.
PMID: 21558174
PMCID: PMC3125728

Notredame C, Higgins DG, Heringa J "T-Coffee: A novel method for fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment." J Mol Biol. 2000 Sep 8;302(1):205-17.
PMID: 10964570

Magis C, Taly JF, Bussotti G, Chang JM, Di Tommaso P, Erb I, Espinosa-Carrasco J, Notredame C "T-Coffee: Tree-based consistency objective function for alignment evaluation." Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1079:117-29.
PMID: 24170398

Taly JF, Magis C, Bussotti G, Chang JM, Di Tommaso P, Erb I, Espinosa-Carrasco J, Kemena C, Notredame C "Using the T-Coffee package to build multiple sequence alignments of protein, RNA, DNA sequences and 3D structures." Nat Protoc. 2011 Nov;6(11):1669-82.
PMID: 21979275

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