SETTER (SEcondary sTructure-based TERtiary Structure Similarity Algorithm) is a web-based tool to compare RNA secondary structures. The SETTER algorithm uses tertiary structure similarity to produce secondary structure alignments and compute both pair-wise (SETTER) and multiple alignments (MultiSETTER). The MultiSETTER algorithm computes an average structure and superimposes the input structures on to it.
RNA; Nucleic acid structure analysis; Structure analysis
Cech P, Svozil D, Hoksza D "SETTER: web server for RNA structure comparison." Nucleic Acids Res. 2012; 40(Web Server issue):W42-8
PMID: 22693209
PMCID: PMC3394248
Hoksza D, Svozil D "Efficient RNA pairwise structure comparison by SETTER method." Bioinformatics, 2012
PMID: 22611129
Hoksza D, Svozil D "Multiple 3D RNA Structure Superposition Using Neighbor Joining" IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform. May-Jun 2015;12(3):520-30.
PMID: 26357263
Čech P, Hoksza D, Svozil D "MultiSETTER: web server for multiple RNA structure comparison." BMC Bioinformatics, 2015
PMID: 26264783
PMCID: PMC4531852
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