InterMineR is an R tool to interface with FlyMine, modMine (modENCODE), RatMine, YeastMine, HumanMine, and TargetMine Databases.
RNA splicing; Comparative genomics; Functional genomics; Function analysis; Gene expression; Gene regulation; GWAS study; Microarray experiment; Proteomics; DNA polymorphism; Systems biology
Smith RN, Aleksic J, Butano D, Carr A, Contrino S, Hu F, Lyne M, Lyne R, Kalderimis A, Rutherford K, Stepan R, Sullivan J, Wakeling M, Watkins X, Micklem G "InterMine: a flexible data warehouse system for the integration and analysis of heterogeneous biological data." Bioinformatics 2012; 28(23):3163-5
PMID: 23023984
PMCID: PMC3516146
Huber W, Carey VJ, Gentleman R, Anders S, Carlson M, Carvalho BS, Bravo HC, Davis S, Gatto L, Girke T, Gottardo R, Hahne F, Hansen KD, Irizarry RA, Lawrence M, Love MI, MacDonald J1, Obenchain V, Oleś AK, Pagès H, Reyes A, Shannon P, Smyth GK, Tenenbaum D, Waldron L, Morgan M "Orchestrating high-throughput genomic analysis with Bioconductor." Nat Methods. 2015 Feb;12(2):115-21.
PMID: 25633503
PMCID: PMC4509590
Gentleman RC, Carey VJ, Bates DM, Bolstad B, Dettling M, Dudoit S, Ellis B, Gautier L, Ge Y, Gentry J, Hornik K, Hothorn T, Huber W, Iacus S, Irizarry R, Leisch F, Li C, Maechler M, Rossini AJ, Sawitzki G, Smith C, Smyth G, Tierney L, Yang JY, Zhang J. "Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics." Genome Biol. 2004;5(10):R80. Epub 2004 Sep 15.
PMID: 15461798
PMCID: PMC545600
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